Introducing Negronis With Greg

Overview: Over the last few years, my long-time friend Greg Larsen (@Negroni Greg) and I have become pretty much obsessed with this beautiful Italian drink known as the Negroni. From simple versions of this delicious drink, poured in the traditional 1-1-1 manner, to riffs made of bourbon and mezcal, all the way to more modern slushy renditions. If it is a Negroni, we want it, and oh yeah, we are ordering a second one, so don’t wait for us to put that order in, go ahead and start making it; we will take them!


Over the last couple of years, we talked about doing some fun video or live chat to talk about different versions of the drink we had concocted, rare bottles we had stumbled upon, or use it as an excuse to pour a cold one and chop it up. Well, Greg moved from Chicago to Orlando, schedules become surprisingly more complex, and we never found time. Fast forward to this spring WM Brown’s own MATT HRANEK (@Matt HRANEK) released a book, ‘The Negroni A LOVE AFFAIR with a CLASSIC COCKTAIL,’ and it got us talking about Negroni’s again. Over text messages and phone calls, we discussed different ways we could explore this classic cocktail over text messages and phone calls, how we might share that information, what all we could talk about, how we would collaborate, etc. Fast forward to the middle of the summer; it hit me; what if we called the segment ‘Negronis with Greg’ and used Matt’s book as a sort of guide to exploring the vast world that is the NEGRONI! Sure, we will stray from time to time from Matt’s book; yeah, we will try our own version and riffs on the drink. Of course, we will one-up each other on who can find the more elusive vintage and hard-to-find ingredients. And above all, we are going to share far too many dang posts on cocktails. 

While we likely won’t have a set cadence or a set medium, rest assured, the content will amaze and aww. Most importantly, it will have you heading to your favorite spirit purveyor to procure this tasty beverage known simply as the Negroni. 

-Greg and Reed